Ways to Serve
Scripture makes it very clear one of the primary responsibilities of Christ-followers is to serve the Lord through their service to others (Romans 12:6-8). At The Village Church, we encourage you to find a place where you can use your gifts and time to help us build God’s kingdom. Opportunities abound:
. singing in the choir . greeting at the front door
. helping in the sound/video ministry . teaching a Bible study or Christian Life Studies (CLS) class
. leading a small group . visiting those in need of encouragement
. working in the church library . assisting with Vacation Bible School
. playing piano / organ . greeting at the front desk
. volunteering for Renew the City . visiting newcomers
. serving on committees . serving in the Chaplaincy ministry
. visiting the lonely . ushering for church services, memorial services and concerts
. serving on a leadership team . and there’s more!
We will find a place for you. Sometimes the best way to get started is to talk to one of our pastoral staff team. If you would like help connecting or just want to learn more, contact Pastor Don or call the church office 239-454-2147.